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A coffee farm in a valley in Colombia.

Coffee and Chronic Liver Disease, Evolution of Manual Espresso Machines, and Colombia's Indigenous Coffee Communities

Coffee May Greatly Reduce Risk of Chronic Liver Disease, Research Shows By Daily Coffee News Staff for Roast Magazine “Researchers from the UK pored over UK Biobank data involving nearly half a million study participants whose coff...

The national flag of Ukraine.

Ukraine's Coffee Community, Making Better Water, and the History of Coffee Cake

A Report from the Front Line of Ukraine’s Coffee Community By Daily Coffee News “The coffee scene in Ukraine is stunning! Well, it used to be… but we are definitely bringing it back and it will thrive even better! The amount of spe...

Various coffee brewers on a sky background.

What is Omni-Roast Coffee?

The simple answer: a method of roasting that opens a coffee up to multiple brewing methods. I thought all coffees were already like that. Not exactly. Some coffees are better suited to certain brewing methods, hence the existence of the “espresso ...

A barista expertly pouring latte art in a cafe.

Morgan Eckroth Interview, Latte Art, and Laurina Coffee

2022 US Barista Champion Morgan Eckroth: The Sprudge Interview By Zac Cadwalader for Sprudge “There is no greater ambassador for specialty coffee here in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Two than Morgan Eckroth (she/the...

Trick pour using a Chemex coffee maker to pour into two mugs at the same time.

Detecting Brain Waves with Coffee, Koji Fermented Coffee, and Espresso Channeling

Waste coffee grounds could someday help detect brain waves. By the American Chemical Society “Spent coffee grounds have previously been used to make porous carbon supercapacitors for energy storage. But now, new research led by pri...

A diner mug with coffee being poured into it next to an image of a Chemex Classic.

South American Coffee Change, History of Manual Brewers, and Knowing Different Coffee Processes

How Local Coffee Groups Drive Change in Chile, Mexico & Peru By Gabriella Wong for Perfect Daily Grind “Peru, Chile, and Mexico might all be considered part of Latin America, but the similarities between their local coffee scen...