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Costa Rican Tarrazu

Espresso Capsules


Costa Rican Tarrazu - Espresso Capsules

New & improved capsules! 

Latte, Americano, Red Eye, Black Eye, Cappuccino, Breve, Macchiato, Mocha, Cortada, Affogato, Flat White... They all have one thing in common. They start with a shot of espresso. These selections let you experience the taste of origin and the rich, bold taste that only comes from espresso.

Our Costa Rican Tarrazu coffee possesses an inherently intense flavor with peaks of bright acidity and depths of sweet honey and chocolate. The body of Costa Rican Tarrazu is less bold, but this famous coffee region does not lack for flavor and in all produces an incredibly satisfying espresso.

These new & improved Nespresso OriginalLine-compatible aluminum capsules allow all the different coffees in our Single-Origin Espresso collection to shine. Fresh Roasted Coffee's espresso capsules are delicious whether you're pulling a single shot or making an espresso-based beverage.

Contains 100% Arabica coffee, no additives, artificial flavors or preservatives.

This single-serve coffee is compatible with most Nespresso® OriginalLine brewers including: Essenza Mini, Essenza Plus, Pixie, CitiZ, Lattissima, KitchenAid, and Creatista. Not compatible with Nespresso® VertuoLine machines. Nespresso® is a registered trademark of Society des Produits Nestle S.S. Fresh Roasted Coffee LLC is neither affiliated with nor a licensee of Society des Produits Nestle S.S.

OU Kosher certified. Produced in an SQF certified, renewable energy powered facility.
