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Organic Rwanda - Roasted Coffee

*Packaging may vary

Organic Rwanda

Roasted Coffee


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Fair Trade Certified OU Kosher Certified USDA Organic Certified


This offering from Rwanda is a stellar showcase of the fine coffees from this region. The cup quality is extremely smooth, with sparkling acidity and a plush mouthfeel. Notes of zesty citrus and tropical fruits are prominent, with an ultra-sweet brown sugar finish.

Misozi Kopaki is grown in the Karongi District of western Rwanda by over 800 small farmers.The farmers in this area, in an effort create the best coffee possible, have pooled their coffee, resources and knowledge together by forming a cooperative they called Kopaki. After forming their coop, they joined a group of coops called Misozi to aid in the final processing and exportation of their coffee. The Misozi and Kopaki coops are proudly certified Fair Trade to guarantee transparency and fairness throughout their growing community.

Organic Rwanda - Roasted Coffee

Roast Level

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light dark

Light roasting highlights a coffee’s more delicate flavors, such as fruit and flowers. These coffee beans have very little to no oil on them.

Organic Rwanda - Roasted Coffee

Roast Body

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Mild Body

Often described as tea-like and smooth, mild-bodied coffees tend to be light and bright on the palate.

Cupping Notes

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Passion Fruit


Brown Sugar


A coffee’s process describes how the seed (aka the coffee bean) is separated from the coffee cherry. Popular methods include washed, dry, and honey, but there are many other processes that put special emphasis on different aspects of these methods.

The washing process

Washing Process

Fully Washed
The drying process

Drying Process

Sun-dried on raised beds
The varietal type

Coffee Varietal



Harvest and export times are based off when a particular coffee will be at its peak quality. Cherries picked at the start of the harvest season tend to be underdeveloped, and those picked at the end are often overdeveloped, so producers aim for that sweet spot in the middle.


May - Aug


July - March
A Rwandan coffee farmer and her child in the fields.


After years of war at the end of the 20th century, coffee growing became an instrumental part of helping rebuild Rwanda’s shattered agricultural sector. The success of this movement can be seen in the large number of newly built washing stations and in the over 400,000 smallholder lots across Rwanda. While it’s not ...

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